AMA’s submission to the consultation on the NT Government’s proposal to phase out single-use plastics.
AMA’s submission to the consultation on the Role and Functions of an Australian Centre for Disease Control.
AMA’s submission to the consultation on the ACT Government’s Single-use plastics: Tranche 3 proposal
AMA’s submission to the consultation on Stage 2 of Western Australia’s Plan for Plastics: Implementing a phase-out of single-use plastics
AMA’s submission to the consultation on the draft National Agricultural Traceability Strategy 2023-33.
AMA’s submission to the State Government of Victoria on proposed reforms to Victoria’s biosecurity legislation.
AMA’s submission to the Department of Industry, Science and Resources on identifying current and emerging critical technologies that are key to the prosperity of Australia’s […]
AMA’s submission on the NSW draft Biosecurity and Food Safety Strategy.
AMA submission to Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Committee inquiry on current biosecurity responses, in particular with respect to foot-and-mouth disease and varroa […]
AMA submission on APVMA proposal to change the overseas GMP compliance assessment fee process.