The latest Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) regulatory statistics show sustained performance with the regulator completing 84% of veterinary medicine applications on time.
“Importantly, 74% of major (or more complex) applications, were completed within legislated timeframes,” Animal Medicines Australia (AMA) Executive Director, Ben Stapley, said.
“It means pet owners, farmers and veterinarians can have access to the latest innovative medicines that help protect the health and welfare of our animals sooner rather than later.”
He said the challenge now for the APVMA was to continue to maintain and improve these statistics.
“While we are pleased to see the APVMA’s performance has remained steady, there is still opportunity for further improvement.
“The animal medicines industry, and the community, needs an effective, efficient regulator that can consistently deliver high quality, predictable approvals and assessments on time.
“Animal Medicines Australia looks forward to working with the Government and APVMA to continue this positive trend,” Mr Stapley said.