17 April 2024
Today, Animal Medicines Australia welcomes the Government’s release of its initial response to the Rapid Evaluation into the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. The Evaluation includes recommendations to the Minister in response to the Clayton Utz Strategic Review Report outlining governance and management failures at the APVMA.
“Australian farmers, veterinarians and pet owners rely on the APVMA to assure them that animal health products and veterinary medicines are safe and effective. We look forward to working with the government to ensure that the APVMA remains an effective, rigorous, independent and efficient regulator of veterinary medicine products,” said Animal Medicines Australia Executive Director, Mr Ben Stapley.
“Animal Medicines Australia are pleased to see that the government has agreed to maintain the APVMA as an independent entity. An independent, science-based decision maker is essential for confidence in the rigour of the APVMA’s assessments, and its monitoring and compliance activities,” said Mr Stapley.
Mr Stapley noted that the Rapid Evaluation made specific comment and recommendations regarding APVMA funding arrangements. “We welcome the report’s analysis of APVMA funding and anticipate a constructive engagement with the Government to develop a funding model that is sustainable, and recognises the significant community benefit from a trusted, reliable and independent regulator.”
Mr Stapley expressed concern with respect to the Rapid Evaluation’s discussions in relation to ‘cyclical’ registration of veterinary medicines; “Registered veterinary medicines have already demonstrated their safety and efficiency. Without credible new scientific evidence or data of a new risk, ‘cyclical’ approaches will only create additional cost and bureaucracy with higher costs and less products available for vets, farmers and pet owners.”
“As this recommendation was beyond the terms of reference for the Rapid Evaluation and has been developed in the absence of any consultation with the affected industry, AMA urges the government to rule out this recommendation until an appropriate consultation with the affected industry can occur,” said Mr Stapley.
Mr Stapley also welcomed the decision to rule out relocating the APVMA from its current home in Armidale. “APVMA is now established in Armidale, and an additional relocation may only introduce an unnecessary level of uncertainty,” said Mr Stapley, “AMA supports addressing the issues highlighted by the Strategic Review Report directly without creating additional and unnecessary instability and looks forward to working with the Government to implement the recommendations it has agreed, and further consider its responses to outstanding issues identified.”
Contact: Ben Stapley +61 436 191 011