26 April 2019

2019 World Veterinary Day 27 April to highlight value of vaccination

Animal health in Australia is reliant on the expertise and professionalism of our veterinarians.

“Vets in Australia undergo extensive training, registration and ongoing professional development. This means our animals have access to some of the best health care in the world,” said Ben Stapley, Executive Director of Animal Medicines Australia.

“The 2016 Australian Veterinary Association workforce survey found that Australia had 11,418 registered vets.

“The variety of animal health work that vets undertake is extensive and ranges from working with companion animals to equine and large livestock, aquaculture and wildlife, teaching and research and development.”

“Animal health is vital for the 24 million Australian pets[2] and the livestock industry valued at almost $30 billion. Veterinarians play a key part in ensuring the health of our animals.”

The theme for 2019 World Veterinary Day is the value of vaccination.

Mr Stapley said that global vaccination programs had successfully eradicated deadly diseases like rinderpest and current programs are fighting against zoonotic diseases like rabies and Japanese encephalitis.

“Here in Australia it is through vaccination that we are protecting both human and animal health against the deadly Hendra virus,” Mr Stapley said.

“The World Health Organisation have named vaccination hesitancy as one of the top ten threats to global health. When it comes to protecting your animal’s health, and human health from zoonotic diseases, the best thing to do is to listen to the advice of your veterinarian. They are best placed to know which vaccinations should be administered.”

“Vaccinations also contribute to an overall animal health plan including proper hygiene and welfare measures, which minimise the need for further health interventions.

The animal health sector also recently marked World Animal Vaccination Day on 20 April.

media release