Animal Medicines Australia, the peak industry body representing the leaders of the animal health industry in Australia, welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement of an additional […]
Recent reports show an alarming increase in parasites (including fleas, ticks and mod worms), putting pets at risk at a time of year when some […]
The agriculture and recycling industry came together this week in Melbourne to launchan industry-led recycling initiative. Drums-to-Drums aims to close the loop on agriculturaland veterinary […]
In 2019, the global animal health industry set 25 Commitments to help reduce the need to use antibiotics in animals by 2025. The Roadmap to […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that pets can be a great source of comfort and joy. Animal Medicines Australia (AMA) is encouraging cat owners to […]
Our pets play multiple, varied and important roles in our lives. They are companions for relaxation, for physical activity or for teaching our children responsibility. […]
Animal Medicines Australia (AMA), the peak industry association representing registrants of veterinary medicines, has welcomed the Commonwealth Government’s announcement for an independent review of the […]
The Government’s decision to introduce a board to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) pre-empts the findings of an 18-month review announced only […]
Animal Medicines Australia, the peak industry body representing the leaders of the animal health industry have welcomed aboard Troy Laboratories as their newest member. Executive […]